How to choose the best conveyor belt

ASSEMBLY. Bandas transportadoras. Modulares y de Charnelas

3 minutes

Reducing stop times in your production plant, preventing early wear, cuts, stiffening, and even improving wrap to pulleys depend widely on making the right choice of belt or conveyor element. Knowing the product specifications, so as to have a comprehensive photograph of the need, will provide us with the necessary details to make the best choice.

Choosing the best conveyor belt

Choosing the characteristics and width of the cover is crucial to prevent early wear in belts of any production line, be it in the food industry (wine trade, meat industry, etc.), bulk handling (gravels, SURs, chemicals, etc.), packaging, logistics, etc. Likewise, it is also very important to know the resistance to traction that can prevent inconvenient early breaks and repairs.

In the case of rubber belts, with a textile frame, manufactured in various qualities, their names provide users with information about their resistance, number of fabrics and width of upper and lower covers. For instance, the typical name EP500/4-4+2, shows resistance to break, 500/4 in N/mm, the number of layers is 4 and 4+2 stands for the width of the upper and lower covers. Once we know this and depending on the product and its features, we will choose the necessary type of cover, according to the characteristics of the product.

Oil resistant and grease resistant belts, “G” and “GS” qualities for USR plants, fertilizers,…, “Y”, “X” and “W” for abrasive products and their degree, silica sands, glass,…, Anti-flame and antistatic belts, “S” and “K” quality for casting facilities, drying tunnels,…, or cut resistant, for food industry, anti-adherent,… When the right choice is made, all these possibilities, even a combination of several of these qualities, ensure you’ll have a gentle production routine.

ASSEMBLY. Bandas transportadoras

PVC belts covered by high-quality materials are appropriate for all current production processes -food industry, wine trade, meat industry, among others-. These belts offer excellent anti-adherent properties in their upper cover, but we must remember we also have cut resistant or oil resistant qualities. Besides, optionally, we offer gluing side bellows and transversal pegs of several heights and shapes. This makes product conveyance and elevation, in the case of products with high incline, easier. These belts meet the European regulations, as well as those of the FDA, mainly anti-poisonous for lines of food production

The various configurations of modular and hinged belts enable us to design and perform conveyor systems that adapt to the needs of U-turns, curves, ascents and descents of each production line. It is possible to link processes, work stations, product handling, classification, etc. Some typical sectors where this is applied are bottles, cans or cardboard conveyors.  Hinges allow for absolute flexibility in their designs. It is possible to make diversions with 90º and 180º curves, as well as segments of transfers and pivoting folding to cope with height differences.

ASSEMBLY. Bandas transportadoras. Modulares y de Charnelas

Summing up, adaptability and a combination of conveyor belts, their characteristics, conditionings and adaptability ensure a safe, reliable and long lasting conveyance, without interventions for repairs or early replacements.

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