CURIM Model. Stainless Steel Powered Roller Curve

Stainless Steel Powered Roller Curve consists of a frame made of curved steel sheet with interior reinforcement if necessary. Using stainless steel sheets of various thickness (AISI 304 and AISI 316) it allows conveying loads of different weights and dimensions and connects with other pieces of equipment.

Its usual working position is horizontal. The distance between the rollers and the floor can be adjusted to suit the function of the curve on the production line of the client. The height can be customised using Stainless Steel supports. These can be adjusted using either silent blocks if the curves work with light materials or threaded rods for heavy duty curves.

Stainless Steel Tapered Rollers are attached to the sides of the curved steel sheet. The size and spacing between the rollers will depend on the load to be conveyed.

Tapered rollers and their components (sleeve, axle, bearings and pinion for chain drive) are entirely made of steel. Pinions supplied can be made of Stainless Steel or High-Density Polyethylene depending on the intended application of the conveyor.

Equipped with chain guards, activation,… in strict compliance with the safety requirements of the machine.

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Should you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact us.
