Conveyor systems for mines and port facilities

Conveyor belts are an essential component for solids and bulk handling. Mining and port industries are becoming two most important markets for ASSEMBLY in terms of design and project development for both elevator and conveyor systems as well as for conveyance of large stock piles of finished products and ship loading in the docks.
In spite of the fact that in mining and port facilities belt conveyor systems might not be seen as those that bring the highest added value solutions in the overall process, they still are essential and indispensable for certain activities. Among them: conveyance of materials for heavy machinery, intrinsic mining processes as well as the element for loading and unloading ships, stocking warehouses etc. in ports and adjacent areas where time and, hence, economic optimization is highly relevant.
The offer of conveyor belts and elevator systems and solutions that ASSEMBLY is launching on the market for mining and port industry includes some products that are worth special mentioning; these are telescopic conveyor systems with radial curve equipped with remote control, worms and boogies with two-way wheels that are able to provide additional solutions for the final phase of mining process, as well as kidney-shaped stocks that allow for much bigger stock volumes than standard stackers.
Ultimately, ASSEMBLY offers its customers a comprehensive range of conveyor belts and lifting systems, as well as stocking, ship loading and unloading and stockpiling systems for the projects in both mining and port industries.

Mining industry. Conveyance, elevating and stocking by means of conveyor belts

Troughs equipped with different angles, rollers, tension and head pulleys with their covers as well as, of course, a correct choice of belts and motor powered drives illustrate the fact that conveyor system design is ASSEMBLY’s specialty on which much of its engineering and manufacturing is based.

ASSEMBLY’s success is not exclusively based on its belt conveyor and elevator systems used in different quarry and mining processes, but also on the stock optimization it offers allowing therefore for bigger stock volumes, by means of telecsopic conveyor belts with radial curve equipped with remote control, worms and boogies with two-way wheels and thus providing additional solutions for the final phase of mining process.

Conveyance, elevating and large stocks are the key concepts that identify ASSEMBLY’s role in the Industry of Mineral products and Aggregates.

Assembly. Clientes. Especialización. Minería. Cintas telescópicas #2

Telescopic conveying equipment for quarry and mining industry

ASSEMBLY. Talleres de fabricación y montaje
Telescopic conveyor belt is one of the most exclusive stockpiling systems on the market. It allows to build-up big stock volumes regardless of products granulometries. In particular, it offers 30% bigger stockpiling capacity on the site of the same size than standard radial conveyor systems with no telescopic extension.

Standard conveyor belts and belt elevators

ASSEMBLY. Talleres de fabricación y montaje
Conveyor layout tailored for each product, bulk density and granulometry, suitable angles, troughs with different angles, tension and head pulleys with their covers and, of course, a correct choice of belts and motor powered drives. All these features illustrate the fact that the conveyor system design is ASSEMBLY’s specialty on which much of its engineering and manufacturing is based.

Bucket elevators

ASSEMBLY. Talleres de fabricación y montaje
A wide range of bucket elevators suitable and tailored for each project and its technical requirements. In practice, we are able to design and manufacture customized elevator suitable to your specific needs.

Ports. Belt conveyor systems in port areas

In large port facilities where times used for loading and unloading ships, as well as for conveying all sorts of bulks from and to the ships, make a strong impact on prices, standard conveyor belts and those specially designed to be timesaving become of utmost importance.
Solutions for loading and unloading systems that ASSEMBLY offers to this market include not only standard conveyor belts of big capacities that optimize filling and discharge of warehouses, but also truck unloading conveyors as well as large ship loading conveyor systems.

These mobile systems can be stationed or relocated along the edges of the quays making it possible to unload two trucks simultaneously prior to belt conveyors loading the vessels.
In order to design this equipment certain type of information is required, it includes the type of the ship, its width, number of holds along the ship’s length, tide heights,…
To include all these parameters in the design of loaders, the following features must be present: inclination change, side shift, telescopic arms, filling chutes with motor powered distributor… all of these can be controlled remotely by operators.
In short, there is a wide range of options that allow ASSMEBLY to work and to offer the best solutions for any port area.

Assembly. Clientes. Especialización. Puertos. Cargadores de barcos

Ship loaders

ASSEMBLY. Talleres de fabricación y montaje
This model of mobile conveyor ship loader is designed to increase the average loading rate to the vessels directly from the trucks no ramps or auxiliary equipment required. It provides extra flexibility and efficiency since it can be relocated at any point during the ship loading process.

Standard conveyor belts and belt elevators

ASSEMBLY. Talleres de fabricación y montaje
Conveyor layout tailored for each product, bulk density and granulometry, suitable angles, troughs with different angles, tension pulleys and motors with their covers and, of course, a correct choice of belts and motor powered drives. All these features illustrate the fact that the conveyor system design is ASSEMBLY’s specialty on which much of its engineering and manufacturing is based.

Bucket elevators

ASSEMBLY. Talleres de fabricación y montaje
A wide range of bucket elevators suitable and tailored for each project and its technical requirements. In practice, we are able to design and manufacture customized elevator suitable to your specific needs.

“Intelligent” modernisation of industrial facilities

ASSEMBLY. Talleres de fabricación y montaje
We are experts in projects to modernise facilities and conveyor systems of all kinds of goods and industrial products. Our solutions do not require making big investments and are implemented gradually, reducing production stops as much as possible.

Custom projects of conveyor systems

ASSEMBLY. Talleres de fabricación y montaje
In ASSEMBLY, we have a wide experience in designing and manufacturing custom systems to convey vertically and horizontally all kinds of goods and products, with a high degree of modularisation and standardisation. A quick and efficient answer and a guarantee of future development and improvement.

Request for information and contact details

Should you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact us.
